Atlantic Council Building a Diverse Workforce


Both the public and private sectors are rapidly recognizing the need to increase the diversity of those who receive science and engineering educations, and to expand recruitment and hiring practices to reach a wider audience of potential talent.

As a leading organization dedicated to promoting constructive leadership and engagement in international affairs, the Atlantic Council (Council) aspires to foster an environment of inclusion that attracts the best talent from diverse backgrounds.

To that end, the Council is building a Center on American Innovation and Leadership (an effort supported by the Fund II Foundation), and recruiting a Tech Policy Fellow(s) to help increase diversity in the foreign policy and STEM sectors. The new position will target emerging African Americans and women leaders between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math who demonstrate a passion for public policy. With his/her background in STEM research, the selected fellow(s) will be expected to concentrate on learning how to craft STEM-related policies and strategies and seek support from national-level policymakers.


Adwoa Jones_ATL Career Fair

In September 2016, the Council traveled to Atlanta, Georgia to engage directly with students on campus at Morehouse College and Spelman College, and to participate in the Atlanta University Center Consortium’s annual career fair.

In a series of outreach and recruiting events, the Council met with a group of African American and women students interested in the technology sector and foreign policy fields. Staff members from the Council coordinated class visits with professors in the Political Science Department and visited ten separate classes to introduce the Atlantic Council, raise awareness about employment opportunities in Washington, DC, and invite interested students to a formal information session later that evening.


Curtis O’Neal_ATL Career Fair

The Council delegation also presented to about 250 students and attracted thirty-eight students for a private roundtable Q&A session. Students were able to network with the Council’s Chief Talent Officer, inquire about opportunities available for African Americans and women at the Council, and submit a resume for consideration. At the career fair, Clark Atlanta University students also participated, and thirty-six students applied for spring internships at the Atlantic Council over the course of two days.

To supplement these efforts, the Council plans to continue recruiting at top-tier universities including Stanford University, University of California-Berkeley, Tufts University, MIT, Harvard University, and Cornell University.

The United States will face economic consequences if companies fail to expand their hiring practices to reach young people of color. Building an inclusive economy will be vital to ensuring the country remains competitive and prosperous in the global arena.

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